When is the right time to invest in brand strategy?

Jun 14, 2022 | Branding

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If you’ve considered investing in brand strategy before, you may have asked yourself – how will I know when the time is right?

The truth is, everyone’s situation is different. Strategy isn’t something you want to rush. It takes time.

Having a solid brand strategy can help you clarify your message and your product, gain a better understanding of your customers, make educated decisions about marketing and clarify your buyer experience.

Build Credibility Now

A well-thought out brand strategy will help you build credibility for your brand, earning your customer’s trust. Brand credibility shows your customers that you have the ability (expertise) and willingness (trustworthiness) to deliver what you’ve promised them. 

Brand credibility leads to more sales and better relationships with your customers and community. Don’t wait to build brand credibility.

Before You Create Your Website and Content

You need to have a strategy before you create your website and your content (whether we’re talking blog content, social media content, etc). 

This way you’re working with a framework and making educated marketing decisions. Without a brand strategy, you’re going in blind and risk wasting time and money on marketing that just doesn’t bring you value.

Invest in Your Brand When Sales Are Good

Take advantage of the momentum when sales are good! 

You’ll be better able to dedicate a budget to your branding. If you’re seeing a spike in online sales, you should have access to more data that can tell you what is driving your customers to purchase. This will be foundational in developing a brand strategy for your business. 

Oftentimes, business owners tend to put branding and marketing on the backburner when they get really busy with sales, when in reality, it’s a great time to increase your overall reach and recognition.

Invest in Your Brand When Sales Are Bad

Okay, so your sales aren’t great. But do you know why? 

Strategy shines a light on different aspects of your business, exposing key patterns or ideas you might be missing. It’s good to take a step back and revisit your brand strategy when sales are slow. 

Make sure you’re positioning your brand strategically and using the right messaging and tone to really connect with your prospects and your customers.

Brand strategy has real ROI.

Don’t forget that a brand strategy will bring you a return on your investment! Strategic branding can help you increase perceived value, attract valuable customers and boost sales. It can also reduce costs in other areas, for example wasted money or time on marketing that isn’t in line with your brand values or your ideal customer’s needs.

In 2022, it’s crucial for businesses to invest in their branding.